Jefferson Davis




Pearl River
Hal Kittrell
District Attorney | 15th Circuit Court
The 15th Circuit Court District Attorney’s Office serves Jefferson Davis, Lamar, Lawrence, Marion and Pearl River Counties in Mississippi with a population of more than 164,000. We are located in the South Central portion of the state, covering over 2,844 square miles. This site as created for the citizens of our District to use as a resource guide, especially those citizens who have been victims of crime. The men and women of the 15th District Attorney’s Office work hard with the common goal of providing justice for victims of crime. This site provides pertinent information regarding victim services, and quick facts about how to report check fraud, provide restitution for worthless checks, add-on court, and pay court cost.
Mission Statement
The mission of this office is to seek new ways in our ever-changing society to do our duty and seek justice:
To insure that felony crimes are professionally investigated and presented for prosecution, without regard to favor or bias;
To counsel law enforcement in investigation, case preparation and presentation of the case in court;
To protect and serve victims and their families in an honest, fair and compassionate manner;
To advise and educate the public with respect to the operation of the criminal justice system and activities of the criminal element;
This duty is to be performed in a spirit of excellence, maintaining the highest degree of ethics and professionalism.
- We prosecute criminals who commit felony crimes. These are crimes of a serious nature such as murder, robbery, rape, child molestation, drugs, burglary and other crimes for which people can be sent to the state prison system.
- We give legal advise to law enforcement agencies.
- We conduct educational programs for schools, religious, and civic groups on criminal topics.
- We handle bad check cases through our Economic Crime Unit… Click Here
- We have a Pretrial Diversion Program which offers an alternative to prosecution for first-time, non-violent offenders, allowing them to avoid a criminal record by completing specific conditions and focusing on rehabilitation and community service. Click Here
- We provide assistance to victims of crime. Click Here
- We assist other law enforcement agencies in the investigation of complex crimes or crimes of an extremely serious nature
- We can not give you legal advice on civil (Non Criminal) and divorce cases. This is prohibited by law.
- We can not recommend an attorney or bail bondsman to you.
- We do not normally prosecute misdemeanor cases (Less serious criminal cases) handled in municipal or justice court. The city or county prosecuting attorney prosecutes these cases.
- We do not write letters asking for people to be released from prison or have their sentences changed.
- We do not give private citizens oral or written it is legal to do a particular thing. You must consult a private attorney for that advise.